Rabu, 13 Agustus 2014

[F727.Ebook] PDF Download Rebounders: How Winners Pivot from Setback to Success, by Rick Newman

PDF Download Rebounders: How Winners Pivot from Setback to Success, by Rick Newman

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Rebounders: How Winners Pivot from Setback to Success, by Rick Newman

Rebounders: How Winners Pivot from Setback to Success, by Rick Newman

Rebounders: How Winners Pivot from Setback to Success, by Rick Newman

PDF Download Rebounders: How Winners Pivot from Setback to Success, by Rick Newman

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Rebounders: How Winners Pivot from Setback to Success, by Rick Newman

Let’s face it: Setbacks happen, and failure is always a possibility. But here’s the good news: Amazing success has been achieved by people who once fell flat on their faces. The secret lies in how we respond to life’s bumps and pot holes and unwelcome detours—from getting fired or losing a business to enduring a professional rejection or pursuing a passion that fails to pan out. Misfortune, it turns out, can be a springboard to success.
In Rebounders, U.S. News & World Report journalist Rick Newman examines the rise and fall—and rise again—of some of our most prolific and productive figures in order to demystify the anatomy of resilience. He identifies nine key traits found in people who bounce back that can transform a setback into the first step toward great accomplishment. Newman turns many well-worn axioms on their head as he shows how virtually anybody can improve their resilience and get better at turning adversity into personal and professional achievement.
• Setbacks can be a secret weapon: They often teach vital things you’ll never learn in school, on the job, or from others.
• There are smart ways to fail: Once familiar with them, you’ll be more comfortable taking risks and less discouraged if they don’t pan out.
• “Defensive pessimism” trumps optimism: Planning for what could go wrong is often the best way to ensure that it doesn’t.
• Know when to quit: Walking away at the right time can free the resources you need to exploit better opportunities.
• “Own the suck”: When faced with true hardship, taking command of the pain and sorrow—rather than letting it command you—lays the groundwork for ultimately rising above it.
Each lesson is highlighted by candid and inspiring stories from notable people, including musician Lucinda Williams, tennis champ James Blake, inventor Thomas Edison, army veteran and double-amputee Tammy Duckworth, and Joe Torre, former manager of the New York Yankees.
In this uncertain and unstable time, Rebounders lays out the new rules for success and equips you with the tools you need to get ahead and thrive.

From the Hardcover edition.

  • Sales Rank: #431318 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-05-01
  • Released on: 2012-05-01
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Amazon.com Review
A Conversation with Author Rick Newman
Q: Why is resilience important in today’s Darwinian economy?
A: A lot of people are going to have a harder time getting ahead. It’s not necessarily their fault. Powerful forces such as globalization and the digital revolution are rapidly transforming the economy in ways we don’t completely understand yet. Here’s what we do know: Many of the old rules no longer apply, and there will be new classes of winners and losers. Better resilience allows people to recover faster from setbacks and stay confident while taking risks. It helps you become bold, without being reckless. It’s just the kind of edge people need today.

Q: What is the science behind resilience?
A: We develop resilience the way we develop athletic or academic skills: By practicing and getting better at it. Here’s the catch: Most people don’t want to fail, and parents in particular don’t want their kids to fail. So we’re programmed to avoid failure. To some extent, that’s a mistake. The good news, if you will, is that some sort of failure is inevitable for most people. So when it happens, it’s important to acknowledge it and learn from it. Researchers think of this in terms of building blocks: Learning how to recover from small setbacks, even as children, helps us build the reflexes and durability that will allow us to overcome bigger setbacks in the future. The vital thing is to recognize failure as a learning opportunity and not hide it, deny it or pretend it didn’t happen.

Q: What are some examples of people who have turned setbacks into success?
A: One of the things I discovered while writing this book is that many successful people have endured some kind of significant failure. These crucible moments often provide insights that open the door to success later on. Many of the titans we consider landmark Americans, such as Ben Franklin, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison and Henry Ford, experienced serious setbacks along the way. They became indomitable because they learned how to stumble and recover.

It’s not just a historical phenomenon. In the book, I profile a dozen contemporary Americans whose failures helped make them successful. Tim Westergren was a burned-out musician when he got the idea for the Pandora Internet radio site, and realized it might be a way for struggling bands like the one he had been in to connect with new listeners they wouldn’t find any other way. As a player early in his baseball career, Joe Torre struggled with weak confidence and a raft of personal problems. But that later gave him a unique ability to manage the complex personalities on a team like the New York Yankees (not to mention the combative owner, George Steinbrenner), and turn them into world champions. Many of the people we envy and admire are far more familiar with failure than you’d ever guess.

Q: What are some modern misconceptions of success?
A: There’s a familiar slogan, “failure is not an option.” But that’s for amateurs; true achievers know that failure is often an option if you’re trying to do something difficult. Here’s another one: “Follow your bliss,” popularized by the mythologist Joseph Campbell and millions of baby boomers who sort of misunderstood what he was saying. Baby boomers made it trendy to seek passion in your career. Sounds great, but many people have followed their passion straight into a career dead-end because they didn’t think about what might go wrong. Passion alone usually isn’t enough.

You often hear people talk about optimism as if simply looking on the sunny side will lead to riches. But optimism can be dangerous if it leads to a blind belief that things will work out with no need for extra effort. Resilient people believe they have the power to make their lives better, but they believe that because they’ve learned how to anticipate what could go wrong and developed “rebounding” skills they can summon when they need to. They’re not blind-sided by setbacks. Anticipating them helps surmount them. The best optimism comes from gaining experience at bouncing back.

Q: Is an American renaissance possible?
A: Many Americans feel a frustrating sense of decline, which I think is legitimate. I also think it’s reversible—but it’s going to take a newfound self-sufficiency to turn things around. New government policies won’t do it. Traditional safety nets will probably get weaker, not stronger. Anybody waiting for somebody else to solve his/her problems will be waiting a long time. But people who learn to channel the bootstrap ruggedness of the nation’s great achievers still face a very promising future. And self-sufficiency is a core virtue possessed by Rebounders. That’s why Rebounders will be the vanguard of the American renaissance.

Advance praise for Rebounders
“What an exciting, refreshing, and desperately needed book! Our culture tends to ‘pretty up’ the logic of success. But what really separates winners from losers, legends from laggards, is not a stroke of genius or unbounded ambition: It’s the capacity to bounce back from life’s inevitable setbacks. In Rebounders, Rick Newman draws a set of powerful insights from a collection of masterfully told stories and teaches all of us how to become more resilient in the face of adversity—and thus more likely to succeed. Bravo!”—William C. Taylor, co-founder of Fast Company and author of Practically Radical
“There are many guides to success. Rebounders is a standout because it teaches one of the hardest and most valuable things anybody can learn: how to make the most of your setbacks and even turn them to your advantage. This uplifting and entertaining book is a great read for strivers, entrepreneurs, and anybody eager to get ahead in these challenging times.”—Jane Bryant Quinn, author of Making the Most of Your Money Now
“If the idea of failure makes you wither, read this book. If you want to know how to fail better, read this book. Only a Rebounder like Rick Newman could clarify these lessons. And only a journalist like Rick Newman could write about them with such clarity.”—Erik Proulx, filmmaker of Lemonade and Lemonade: Detroit
“Rebounders is a great read. Rick Newman reveals some powerful perspectives and gives some outstanding examples of people who have learned from their past and created a successful present. This book is full of valuable knowledge; read it and reap the benefits!”—Keith Cameron Smith, author of The Top 10 Distinctions Between Entrepreneurs and Employees
“Business platitudes are a dime a dozen. By contrast, Rebounders shares a dozen remarkably instructive and specific stories of resilience in action. Rick Newman gives us all a road map to success.”—Sydney Finkelstein, Steven Roth Professor of Management, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, and author of Why Smart Executives Fail

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Most helpful customer reviews

48 of 51 people found the following review helpful.
Little payoff for such an ambitious title.
By eCognition
The lessons you'll learn are not worth the time you'll have to spend reading someone else's history. Many of the people spoken about have uninteresting histories to begin with, which makes reading the next profile even less exciting, especially when the chapter headlines promise so much, yet, deliver so little. There is simply too much fluff for a book that promises to show you how winners pivot from setback to success (a better title would have been "how certain winners have pivoted from setback to success, as the current title suggests some sort of general formula for life that can duplicate these individuals' successes) The only stories that I personally found interesting were Thomas Edison's and Reed Hasting's, and that's only because I'm typing this under a light and about to add a dvd to my Netflix queue. The lessons that are learned can be had with any simple Google search using a simple search phrase such as "lessons for entrepreneurs" or "lessons for innovators". Pick the top 1 or 2 blogs on entrepreneurial success and there you go. Now, any sort of information can be had the same way, and yet books distilling lessons are still being written and read; however, if you're going to write a book about simple lessons, then the lives of those profiled had better be extraordinary, or you're just putting people to sleep.

If you're just starting your journey into finding out what makes individual's successful, your money is best spent elsewhere, especially given the unjustified (unless you consider the freedom to price a product however you want, justifiable) high retail price for the book). And if you've previously read more than a couple books on success, you've already obtained the lessons obtained from this book and will find it nothing more than a collection of mini-biographies, with some simple lessons added in the beginning and ending paragraphs to throw the book from the history section, into the self-improvement section. It's a book that didn't need to written. Pass.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Always good to reset your thinking pattern
By Jackman
Enjoyed the book. Needed to clear up some stinkin thinkin. Helped a lot.

35 of 39 people found the following review helpful.
Nice Stories, But No Way to Use Them
By Reader from Washington, DC
I was disappointed by this book. It has interesting stories and interviews with well-known achievers who have made comebacks or rebounded from bad situations, but I couldn't see how I was to transfer insights from their stories to my own life.

I had little in common with many of the businessmen and sports figures the author interviewed. There were only two chapters, the first one and the last one, which tried to systematize the insights of all of the inteviewees into general principles, and the principles were very vague. Advice such as rebounders "compartmentalize emotions" is not helpful.

I also wasn't happy with the author's reaction to the losses of jobs among his friends due to the current recession. He sympathetically describes hardworking middle class people who were evicted from their homes, had to ask for help with their debts or have ended up in shelters, but assures us that those who aren't coping well are "Wallowers" and that the "Rebounders" will do better. Well, gee, let's kick people while they are down!

If the author is serious about helping the "Wallowers," I'd suggest not calling them a derogatory name, and providing less detail in the biographies of interviewees and more principles and techniques from the Rebounders' achievements that readers can integrate into their own lives.

See all 57 customer reviews...

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[F727.Ebook] PDF Download Rebounders: How Winners Pivot from Setback to Success, by Rick Newman Doc

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